For those of you who weren't able to make it to the Remarkable Symposium in Queenstown, I've found a fantastic little 'vidcast' done by Bonnie McCaffrey, who was one of the international tutors. She has taken many photos of the quilts in the exhibitions, talked to the convener and some of the artists, and I was surprised to catch a glimpse of myself (for those of you who know me you'll have to watch it and see if you can find me!). There is also a lovely shot of Shirley's Salmon quilt, which won a merit award. Congratulations Shirley!
Here's the link
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I received this email from Grandmother's Garden today, I'm sure they won't mind me sharing it with you - nobody ever says no to free advertising, do they?! Click here to go to their internet site.

Friday, 27th May 2011
Our Sale starts Thursday June 2nd and runs through to Sunday June 12th, 9am - 5pm daily.
We’ll accept Internet orders only from Wednesday 1st June.
What's on Special!
All regular width cottons & batiks will be 21 dollars per metre. Make your selection from our website or visit us at the store.
Fabric Specials - selected fabrics at 12 dollars per metre. Order three metres or more of any one fabric and pay just 10 dollars per metre. Some are Internet Specials only. Check out the Fabric Specials on our website.
Smash & Grab Fat Quarters
10 for 39 dollars. These are ready cut fat quarters, so you can't order specific fat quarters but you can ask for 10 of a specific type or colour - say blues, reds, greens etc.
Our Fat Quarter Fairies will hand-pick your order from any of the following categories:
Jinny Beyer Palette - tonal texture prints from RJR Fabrics.
Novelties/Conversationals - great for I-Spy quilts.
Spring Fling - soft and pretty flowers and friends.
Summer Spree - strong, bright prints.
Autumn Splendor - brown through gold with a hint of green and yellow.
Winter Wonders - cooler blues, mauves etc with black.
Reproduction Prints - 1840's reproduction and civil war.
Mostly Marbles - tone-on-tones.
or, tell us your own style or colour choice.
You can order your Smash & Grab Fat Quarter Deal(s) on our website, email or phone us.
Shop Samples Sale - ex-shop models from previous projects. Have a look in the Quilts For Sale section on our website.
Kitset Specials - some kits will be cleared at half price. Check them out on our website.
Book Specials
See the Book Specials on our website for one-off deals. These are all ex-shop copies and may have slight cover damage. 10 dollars have been taken off the regular price.
Keep an eye on our website as we will add more Internet only specials during the sale.
If you can visit us in person please make time to go down to our workshop to check out our in-store specials of selected fabrics, kitsets, books & notions. Enjoy a cup of tea and a scone. Devonshire Tea will be served daily. Please phone us ahead of time if you are coming in a larger group.
I ordered a lot of fabric in Salt Lake City so let's have a jolly good clean out to make room for it all.
We look forward to seeing you in the store or to hearing from you via the Internet, email or phone!
Until next time,
Sunday, May 29, 2011
May Meeting Show and Tell
Jane has been attacking her scrap bag with a vengeance. Sorry, that's a fingerprint on the lens in the upper left corner, not muddy colours.
This is Olive's sumptious pink fairy quilt. Isn't it a sweetie?
Okay, I'm hoping someone jogs my memory on this one. I know it was started in a class and then made into a bag - but I can't remember who made it! And then she gave it to someone else - and I can't remember that person either! Sorry!
Judith did a class at the Powerquilter with Lyn Manning. She was so inspired that she's started another one!
This is Valerie's machine embroidered quilt, which is a fantastic geometric study.
Suzanne couldn't resist the layer cake that she then made into this lovely quilt top. Can't wait to see how she quilts it.
And this top started with some fat quarters that she couldn't resist! It's the biggest top she's ever made, but I bet she still squeezes it under her domestic machine for quilting.
Barbara-Mary finally made something for herself.
Check out the psychedelic backing!
Ingrid got given a book on spiral quilts for Mother's Day - and she's got stuck right in.
This is also a quilt of Ingrids. Another cool way to use up scraps. This is a pattern called 'Charlotte's Web'.
Shirley loved her ugly fat quarter that she got in a swap and she's made this cute wee bag from it.
Here's another of her bags. This is a lovely feature fabric so click it to look closer if you like.
Carmen is a new member. Judging by her stories she is well and truly addicted! These are blocks for her first ever quilt, she is making it for her daughter.
Sorry, Delores! I forgot to turn this around before I uploaded it. Delores started this beautiful yellow canna lily wall hanging in a class at Symposium.
This is one of Margaret's cushions. Have a close look (you can click on it to enlarge) and start collecting bits and bobs as Margaret will be doing a workshop session on this in an upcoming meeting.
We also had a great talk from all the members who went to the Remarkable Symposium. It sounds like a lot of fun and laughter was had, and even a bit of work was done. I didn't get a picture of Jenny's sugarplum fairy or Shirley's felted beach scene or of any of the other work except Delore's canna lillies (see above) - but take that as a commendation because I was so wrapped up in what everyone was saying.
Roll on Taupo in 2013!
We also had a great talk from all the members who went to the Remarkable Symposium. It sounds like a lot of fun and laughter was had, and even a bit of work was done. I didn't get a picture of Jenny's sugarplum fairy or Shirley's felted beach scene or of any of the other work except Delore's canna lillies (see above) - but take that as a commendation because I was so wrapped up in what everyone was saying.
Roll on Taupo in 2013!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Heads up for the May Meeting
First up, apologies that there has been nothing on this blog for a wee while. I didn't get to the last meeting as I was swanning around Queenstown, enjoying the Remarkable Symposium. Have you registered for the Taupo Symposium yet?
So, to get back into the groove of updating, here are some excerpts from the last newsletter:
AGM - You will see we have a new President, Ingrid McLennan, and a fresh, new look committee: Elaine Bryant, Doreen Crossland, Carol de Ridder, Daryl Jay, Charlotte Scott and Judith Sweet. Welcome aboard.
After the AGM Jill Bezencon shared with us some of her wonderful quilts and stories and positively critiqued some of our club members quilts. I am sure everyone was inspired all over again with her presentation, ideas and opinions.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions have been kept at $20 per year and are now due. Please make sure you have paid your subs by the 24th May meeting. The 2011 Membership list will be forwarded to you in June.
May Meeting:
1. Show and tell: We thought it would be great if we could take a little more time over show and tell. We would really like to know more about your motivation, thoughts and techniques used. So have a little recitation prepared. After all it takes so long to make these things. You may be able to inspire someone else. And if you can leave your quilt in the room by the kitchen everyone can have a really good look and perhaps gain some inspiration.
2. 2012 First Prize Raffle Quilt – Proceeds to Project Promise: Could everybody who still has an appliquéd square for the 2012 raffle quilt please return them at the May meeting? And anyone who has finished a pieced patch, please return that too.
2012 Second Prize Raffle Quilt: A quilt for the exhibition second prize is underway and Doreen has requested that if you can donate some suitable bright fabrics please give them to her at the May meeting. The theme of this quilt is “dinosaurs”.
3. Show us your bags: Not a lot of bags were brought in last month from the fabric Darryl gave us last year. Could those who still have a completed bag at home please bring them in to the May meeting?
4. Symposium Presentation: Those ladies who were at Symposium are going to tell us of their experiences and show us some of their work.
5. Magazine Day: Beryl and Nita are going to make up bags of 10 magazines (same title but 10 consecutive magazines) and for $1.00 you can take these home for 1 month for return at the June 28th Meeting. Beryl wants you to know that these magazines, although past issues, are still relevant and often have information far more valid than many of the latest issues. So if you want some old fresh ideas come and take a bag.
6. Wall Planner: We will have a wall planner on the notice board on which all events both local and national will be placed. Please take the time to check it out so that you can plan events you would like to attend.
7. Spring Retreat: A list of the 2 Spring Retreats will be on the noticeboard in May so that you can book into which retreat you would like to attend. Please put your name down against the date you would definitely like to attend and if you would like to attend a second one then add your name to that list also.
A Challenge from Charlotte:
Do you want to take part in a group activity for some fun and motivation? I am coordinating a Row-by-Row Round Robin. You'll need a metre and a half of a favorite fabric(s) and a commitment to finishing a few blocks every month, but that's it! You won't even need to make every meeting (we're a flexible bunch, us quilters).
We have decided that the starter row will be 8" x 40" finished (8½” x 40½” including seam allowances) and we want everyone participating to bring this along to the May meeting, plus whatever is left over of their metre and a half of feature fabrics and their information sheet (see your newsletter) - all in an opaque bag or box. The starter row can be one panel, or blocks (such as five 8" blocks) and is to set the style of the quilt.
Call me (Charlotte) or email me or for more information.
So, to get back into the groove of updating, here are some excerpts from the last newsletter:
AGM - You will see we have a new President, Ingrid McLennan, and a fresh, new look committee: Elaine Bryant, Doreen Crossland, Carol de Ridder, Daryl Jay, Charlotte Scott and Judith Sweet. Welcome aboard.
After the AGM Jill Bezencon shared with us some of her wonderful quilts and stories and positively critiqued some of our club members quilts. I am sure everyone was inspired all over again with her presentation, ideas and opinions.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions have been kept at $20 per year and are now due. Please make sure you have paid your subs by the 24th May meeting. The 2011 Membership list will be forwarded to you in June.
May Meeting:
1. Show and tell: We thought it would be great if we could take a little more time over show and tell. We would really like to know more about your motivation, thoughts and techniques used. So have a little recitation prepared. After all it takes so long to make these things. You may be able to inspire someone else. And if you can leave your quilt in the room by the kitchen everyone can have a really good look and perhaps gain some inspiration.
2. 2012 First Prize Raffle Quilt – Proceeds to Project Promise: Could everybody who still has an appliquéd square for the 2012 raffle quilt please return them at the May meeting? And anyone who has finished a pieced patch, please return that too.
2012 Second Prize Raffle Quilt: A quilt for the exhibition second prize is underway and Doreen has requested that if you can donate some suitable bright fabrics please give them to her at the May meeting. The theme of this quilt is “dinosaurs”.
3. Show us your bags: Not a lot of bags were brought in last month from the fabric Darryl gave us last year. Could those who still have a completed bag at home please bring them in to the May meeting?
4. Symposium Presentation: Those ladies who were at Symposium are going to tell us of their experiences and show us some of their work.
5. Magazine Day: Beryl and Nita are going to make up bags of 10 magazines (same title but 10 consecutive magazines) and for $1.00 you can take these home for 1 month for return at the June 28th Meeting. Beryl wants you to know that these magazines, although past issues, are still relevant and often have information far more valid than many of the latest issues. So if you want some old fresh ideas come and take a bag.
6. Wall Planner: We will have a wall planner on the notice board on which all events both local and national will be placed. Please take the time to check it out so that you can plan events you would like to attend.
7. Spring Retreat: A list of the 2 Spring Retreats will be on the noticeboard in May so that you can book into which retreat you would like to attend. Please put your name down against the date you would definitely like to attend and if you would like to attend a second one then add your name to that list also.
A Challenge from Charlotte:
Do you want to take part in a group activity for some fun and motivation? I am coordinating a Row-by-Row Round Robin. You'll need a metre and a half of a favorite fabric(s) and a commitment to finishing a few blocks every month, but that's it! You won't even need to make every meeting (we're a flexible bunch, us quilters).
We have decided that the starter row will be 8" x 40" finished (8½” x 40½” including seam allowances) and we want everyone participating to bring this along to the May meeting, plus whatever is left over of their metre and a half of feature fabrics and their information sheet (see your newsletter) - all in an opaque bag or box. The starter row can be one panel, or blocks (such as five 8" blocks) and is to set the style of the quilt.
Call me (Charlotte) or email me or for more information.
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